but also ensure the right people know about your products through sophisticated, targeting and remarketing tools.
Mzanzi Digital Sight is ahead of the curve in understanding online purchasing behavior and how to craft apps and content that gets qualified traffic to your e-commerce site and converts it into real sales. With a thorough understanding of the digital path to purchase and e-commerce solutions, G&G will not just design and develop your e-commerce website.
Build your custom online store. We have over six years of experience building custom shops through the WooCommerce ecommerce platform. Our team can build the custom features and functionality you need to provide the right experience to your customers. We can create a custom interface for your unique needs or new ways for buyers to browse and filter the goods you provide, or even extend existing features with more intricate filtering options. We will create the perfect shopping experience for your customers.
Already have an online store? We can take the products and your sales history and bring them to WooCommerce. Our team builds custom online stores in a wide variety of online shops, giving us unique insight into the migration process. Leverage the credibility exhibited by the open source WordPress platform while benefiting from the sales finesse of the most popular ecommerce plug-in and integrated shopping experience found in WooCommerce.
By establishing an eCommerce store, you literally need no physical presence of your store and save on several fixed expenses – rent, hiring, stock maintenance, and more.
We can take your dream design and make it into a reality. We import your custom PSD design into WordPress and WooCommerce, bringing to life the experience your designer has created.
Have your brilliant design integrated directly into your WooCommerce online store.
Our team will create custom features and functions for your online store with the level of control you need.
We can write custom plug-ins for your business, allowing you to further customize every storefront.
Your mobile experience will be optimized with a mobile-friendly user interface and a simple approach to navigation and checkout.
Give potential buyers a unique experience by leveraging the latest marketing automation strategies.
Convert more potential customers with DMA by eliminating the hassles of slow and unresponsive websites.
This week on latest digital marketing updates: Google Ads makes interest-based advertising even more private with the new Topics API, Facebook launches Reels globally to 150 countries, YouTube introduces new metadata for educational videos, Google Ads share top three priorities for 2022, Microsoft Ads introduces dynamic descriptions for dynamic search ads, and Google adopts new privacy restrictions that will influence tracking across apps on its Android Devices.
Mzanzi Digital Sight is dedicated to learning about and understanding your business.